
Children of God

How To Live From Now On As The Children Of God – Toward The Space Age (3/3)

Living In Resonance With The Love Of God In The Universe In The Awareness Of Bei...
Children of God

How To Live From Now On As The Children Of God – Toward The Space Age (1/3)

A Heartfelt Question For Life How should human beings live? As long as we live, ...

Telepathic Communication – In A Time Of Spiritual Awakening

What Is Telepathy? Telepathy is the ability to directly communicate a person's t...

The End Of An Era When The Earth Was One Closed Planet

The End Of An Era When The Earth Was One Closed Planet Until now, we have, in a ...

What The Appearance Of UFOs Means

Nowadays, videos of UFOs are often seen on the news and social networking sites....

The Age Of Living For The Universe As An Earthling

The Age Of Living For The Universe As An Earthling Soon, the time will come when...

The Coming of the “Age of Air”

The Coming of the "Age of Air" Recently, I have often seen the phrase "Age of Ai...
God is the Energy of Love

The Age of Love Revolution

The Age of Love Revolution Why are we alive? Why are we living in this time and ...
Children of God

The Age of Spiritual Awakening

We are all subconsciously connected as one We may seem to live in different ways...
Children of God

The Love of the Children of God Blossoms

Law is universal in the cosmos Last time, I spoke about the Law. Law is the univ...

The Truth About the Three Religions Brought Down to the Middle East

It's time to get out of the narrow mindedness of the Earth In order for us to re...

Graduation from Religion – Towards the Aquarian Age

It's time to graduate from judging others with right and wrong It seems that the...

A Space Age Entrance Test for Earthlings

An entrance test to get through the door of the next era The time is coming when...

The Age of Unification

Earth's evolution is driven by the people of Earth This shift up of the Earth is...

For the Evolution and Development of the Universe

There are many stars in the universe that are stagnant Even among the stars in t...

As Earthlings in the Space Age

What will become the norm on the Earth in the future What will become the norm a...

What is a Space Angel?

People working for the evolution of other planets There are people in the univer...
God is the Energy of Love

God is the Energy of Love That Fills in the Universe

God is invisible to the human eye Some people may think that God is not relevant...

The Truth About the Space Union

What is the Space Union? Now, while there is a United Nations on Earth, there is...

The macrocosm is not a good-evil dualism, but a world of light unity

Good-evil dualism is an elementary level stage in the universe Why is there such...