
This World and Spiritual World

The Structure Of The Spiritual World According To “Dimensions” And “The Color Of God’s Light”

While this world is the three dimensional world of matter, the other world is th...
How to Live a Happy Life

Taking Negatives And Transforming Them Into Greater Positives

How do you deal with people who are negative or emit a negative aura?Many of you...
Life's Troubles

How to strengthen your mental health – Turn your heart to good and fill it with light

Many People Today Have Mental Problems And TroublesIf you search the Internet fo...
This World and Spiritual World

The Spiritual Sun Illuminates The Afterlife

The Sun nurtures all life, not only human beings, but also animals, plants, and ...
Children of God

Goodness Is Living According To God’s Will

Goodness Comes Down To One Thing, Whether Or Not It Is God's willGoodness is sai...
Children of God

Nothing But Pure Light Inside Of Us

The Importance Of Being PureBeing pure may be taken rather negatively in today's...
Children of God

Children Of Light

It is truly a wonder that we exist in the here and now. There are times when you...

St. Antonius and Selenity

The Sun sends us light every day without a break. It is thanks to the light of t...
Life's Troubles

Why Crowds Make You Tired and Effective Countermeasures

Why Do You Get Tired In Crowded Places?For a long time, when I entered a crowded...
This World and Spiritual World

The World Of The Ninth Dimension

What Is The Ninth Dimension In The Other World?The world to which everyone retur...
Life's Troubles

Freeing the Soul

A life of stifling and shrinking heartsThroughout our lives, we have been told t...
Eternal Soul

Discovering the Evolution of the Soul

The evolution of the soul can be found in the "amount of light"How can we determ...
Individuality of the Soul

Individuality of the Soul Shines

Human personality is the personality of the soulHuman individuality is the indiv...

The Mission of the Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way Galaxy is located in the heart of God's bodyIt is said that the ma...

The macrocosm is not a good-evil dualism, but a world of light unity

Good-evil dualism is an elementary level stage in the universeWhy is there such ...
Individuality of the Soul

The seven color spectra of God’s light

Where does God's light come from?Today I want to talk about "The Light of God". ...

The heart of great harmony

The Principle of Great Harmony in the Will of GodHave you ever imagined the will...
Eternal Soul

A golden glowing ball (a personal astral projection experience)

It's not the body, it's the consciousness, the selfWhen we live our lives normal...

What is a particle of sunshine?

What is a particle of sunshine?Have you ever wondered about the sun's rays?For e...
Individuality of the Soul

Individuality Of The Soul

Each Soul Has Its Own Unique PersonalityFirst I would like to start with a littl...