

No Word “Religion” On The Evolving Planet Of The Universe

Negative Impression Of "Religion" In Japan I think most of us Japanese associate...
God is the Energy of Love

Faith Means Living With God Of The Universe

Does God Really Exist? What is faith? What do we believe in? It is God. Faith is...

The Revealed Truth about Judaism, Christianity, And Islam

Three Teachings Brought Down To The Same Middle East Region There are three teac...

The Teachings Of Order And Propriety In Japanese Shinto

Teachings Of Japanese Shinto Japan is guided by the gods of Japanese Shintoism, ...

The Word “Justice” Does Not Include The Word “Kill Each Other.”

The Heavenly World Guiding The Earth Is One As we see on the news in many parts ...

All Religions And Divine Teachings Flow From One God

All Teachings Trace To One God, The Source Of The Universe The teachings of all ...

The Meaning of Religion and Trans-planetary Reincarnation

The Meaning of Religion and Trans-planetary Reincarnation Question:I personally ...
Divine Truth

The Three Proofs of the Divine Truth

"Documentary Proof", "Reasonable Proof" and "Actual Proof" When the divine truth...
This World and Spiritual World

The World Of The Ninth Dimension

What Is The Ninth Dimension In The Other World? The world to which everyone retu...

Secrets of the Gods of Religions Revealed

What is God? The question, "What is God?" is one that mankind has pursued throug...

The Truth About the Three Religions Brought Down to the Middle East

It's time to get out of the narrow mindedness of the Earth In order for us to re...

Graduation from Religion – Towards the Aquarian Age

It's time to graduate from judging others with right and wrong It seems that the...

Why do religious wars happen?

The teachers who founded each religion are not enemies of each other at all Why ...

The Age of Unification

Earth's evolution is driven by the people of Earth This shift up of the Earth is...

Are science and religion incompatible?

Are science and religion incompatible? What do you think of science and faith? M...

Why are so many religions rooted in Japan?

Why are so many religions rooted in Japan? Why does Japan have so many different...

The Truth About the Gods of Religion

The god or savior of religion is the great leaders of the Earth In the past, var...

The Secrets of Christianity and Islam

Why Christianity and Islam started in the same Middle East Christianity and Isla...