From Suffering to Gratitude

Life's Troubles

When you are at the bottom of misery

Some people may think that only painful things can happen in life.

When you are in the depths of unhappiness, wanting to run away from life, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the task at hand. And they always assume that their life will be full of painful things. This may be understandable.

Some of us have forgotten the moments in our lives when we have felt happy

However, when we look back on our lives, it is not as if every moment was filled with unhappiness, but rather that there were moments of happiness that shone like grains of sand on the beach at sunset, and we often just forgot about them.

Look back on your life from birth to now. There are not only sad and painful memories, but also moments of warmth and happiness.

For example, was there a time when you were walking hand in hand with your parents to kindergarten? As you held your parent’s warm hand, you may have felt your heart filled with joy.

When you are in pain, you can say, “I’m in pain.”

Some people may feel that no one understands them. You may feel that even if you talk to them, they will not accept you.

When you are in pain, it is okay to say, “I am in pain.”

Because you don’t say it, the other person may just not be aware of your pain and suffering. If you don’t express your feelings, they will never reach you.

Painful things are happening to make you happy

No matter what comes your way, nothing in life is ever wasted. Everything is happening because it is necessary for you right now, and it is not happening to make you suffer, it is happening to make you happy.

And there are many people around you who are suffering from the same experience as you are, who say, “No one understands my suffering,” and fall into the darkness of loneliness.

That person is you, the one who is suffering and struggling as well.

So, what can you say to him/her? What can you say to them? It’s not that difficult to say, “I’ve been through the same thing, and I’m suffering too.”

Just by saying such kind words to each other, people can be saved.

In the end, everything will turn into gratitude

If you have already overcome such suffering, you will be able to say, “I am the person I am today because of those difficult experiences,” and you will realize that your past fierce experiences are the source of your life, and you will be able to be grateful for everything.

No matter what your life has been, at the end of the day, everything will turn into gratitude. Your heart will always be full, and you will be able to accept everything in your life that you wanted to escape so badly.