What is your ideal way of life?

How to Live a Happy Life

What is your ideal way of life?

Do you have an ideal way of life?

If there are ten people, there are ten ways to live, and there is no such thing as up or down, superiority or inferiority.

For example, I want to live like the wind.

The wind is a refreshing thing. It is a breeze that blows away all the gloomy feelings and worries. It is to brighten and lighten people’s hearts.

The wind doesn’t stay in one place. It blows through and passes through without you even knowing it. It dispels the heavy air and brings a new spark of inspiration.

The way of life is deeply related to the personality of a person’s soul. It is a very personal thing and is directly related to what the soul was created to wish for.

We have a role that only we can play. It’s not like comparing ourselves to others and competing for superiority.

There are things that only you can do. And there are things that others can do that only they can do.

It becomes one harmony, and like an orchestra, it makes great music. The orchestra of the universe would not be complete without any person. There is no one person in this universe who does not need to exist.

It is in the harmony of the whole that one’s own individuality is brought to life.